Fiesta Mexicana

Mondays, Mariachis
and Mexican Food


Two Key Elements:

First, Monday night was traditionally a slow night at Chumash Casino, so it’s a great time to try something new.

And second, central California has a large, economically diverse, Hispanic population segment that had long been dramatically underserved. Could a promotion to one solve our problem with the other?


Working closely with casino senior management, we created a night dedicated entirely to our Hispanic customers. Food, gaming, entertainment, language. More than a promotion, we attempted to create an authentic bond with with the Hispanic guest that would extend further than just one night.

Authentic Mexican food from popular local restaurants. Authentic mariachis, not tourist mariachis. Plenty of bilingual staff on the floor. All advertising in Spanish as well as English.

Fiesta Mexicana Mondays Are a Hit


There is a huge difference between pandering to a heritage and celebrating it. And our guests, Anglo as well as Hispanic, appreciated that.

Fiesta Mexicana was a permanent part of the weekly promotional calendar. And Monday night is no longer a slow night at Chumash Casino.