Food CampaignsMedia
December 16, 2020
Creative Food Advertising All Wrapped Up For the Holidays
The holidays are a time of year folks eagerly look forward to for its special food-related traditions. If you’re like me, one of the traditions you cherish most is all the great creative food advertising during this period. However, you’re probably not much like me, because I’m kind of an…

Food PROther
December 10, 2020
Everyday Agility: A New Imperative for Today’s Food Marketers
What. A. Year. And it’s not over yet. In fact, many of us are in the middle of fine-tuning marketing plans for 2021. But as this year has shown us, plans are really a guide, based on a set of assumptions. (And boy were we knocked on our assumptions this…

November 30, 2020
5 Ways to Keep Your Food Brand in the Social Media Conversation in 2021
As we say goodbye to 2020 — a most unprecedented year — social media food marketers find ourselves yet again in a tenuous position. We have to plan campaigns for the next year, set KPI goals and start negotiating contracts and partnerships. However, contrary to the hopes we had in…

Consumer Insights & TrendsDigitalFood CampaignsMedia
November 23, 2020
3 Increasingly Popular Media Platforms Your Food Brand Should Investigate Right Now
The confluence of better technology and COVID-19 stay-at-home orders has caused new and improved media platforms to emerge, and they are experiencing unexpected growth. While some of these platforms were around prior to the pandemic, consumers now engage with available digital platforms more frequently to stay informed, entertained and educated.…

Consumer Insights & TrendsRetail
In 2009 Phillippa Lally conducted a study, reported in the European Journal of Social Psychology, to determine how long it took people to turn a new behavior into a permanent habit. She found that it ranged from 18 to 254 days. Today’s consumers are fast approaching that 254-day mark in…

Consumer Insights & TrendsDigitalOther
In the past several months, consumers have made big and small changes to the way they buy groceries. Recently it was reported that 43% of consumers say they shopped for food online in the past six months, versus 24% just two years ago. And what is more interesting is that…

Food PRFoodservice
October 9, 2020
Back to School: How COVID Is Affecting University Foodservice Operators and Food Brands
College campuses have historically been a gold mine for food marketers, if you managed to break into their supply chain. They are notorious for driving volume for food brands and being trend incubators. By that, I mean they have been a wonderful platform for brands to test new formulations or products…

Food CampaignsMedia
Regardless of industry, COVID-19 has caused widespread disruption. Foodservice is among those industries being most devastated by the pandemic. As a food marketer, with more than 100,000 restaurant closures, you’ve likely found yourself evaluating and reevaluating your marketing and media plans over the past several months. And the foodservice sector…

Consumer Insights & TrendsOther
September 25, 2020
Why Human Well-Being Should Be Your Top Food Marketing KPI
As a marketer, you’re good at your job if you narrow in on a singular problem, lay out a targeted strategy, and identify a specific KPI. While this process is the baseline to proving the value of your role, it’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. When…