
Consumer Insights & Trends

"Cheftitian" holding plate of veggies
Consumer Insights & TrendsFood PRFoodservice
April 3, 2018

Chef and Dietitian: Healthy Foods You’ll Actually Crave

Over the years, chefs and dietitians have approached their crafts with very different mindsets. A chef would create recipes for maximum flavor, favoring savory, high-fat ingredients. Alternatively, a dietitian would focus primarily on a food’s nutritional value. Recently, however, consumer demand for healthful food that doesn’t compromise on flavor has…
Man looking into fridge
Consumer Insights & TrendsFood PR
February 14, 2018

Food & CPG Content Marketing Strategies You’ll Crave

In today’s robust food marketing world there are a growing number of digital channels empowering brands to build one-on-one relationships with consumers. These online platforms play a significant role in a brand’s ability to generate awareness, establish trust and loyalty, and position themselves as an industry leader. Social media, websites,…